Sunday, February 27, 2011

Technology Self-Assessment: School 2.0 NETs 5

         I had plenty of reflection tool results to choose from. I am not 100% sure if having that many reflection tools was a good or bad thing. I decided to look at the link Creativity and Schools-Sir Ken Robinson under NETS-T Module: Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity.
          Robinson is a genius and so entertaining to watch. I never spent a great deal of time reflecting on the hierarchy of school subject and how society bases intelligence on the success in these subjects until I watched Robinson's clip. Robinson points out that no matter what school system we look around the world the hierarchy is the same; math and science are at the top with art and music at the bottom. We are also lead to believe that intelligence is based on our academic success in the most valued educational areas, not so much on creativity. Robinson points out the obvious problem here, we as people do not work this way. Intelligence is diverse, distinct and dynamic just like us. Therefore, intelligence cannot be thought about in one way. His story about Jillianne drove home his point that we need to rethink the fundamental principle on which we are educating children. As a future teacher I want to foster creativity in my classroom and teach my students that intelligence is based on so much more that just academics.
For this assignment I used the "school 2.0 Refectional Tool" on to answer a set of questions that are designed reflect on skills in technology integration and to identify areas for growth. Next I choose results from one of the NETs and investigated one of the resources. In this post a shared what I learned from the resource I choose to investigate. I included a screen selection of my results as a picture in this blog post.

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